Thursday, October 15, 2009

Astrologer Michael Zizis

Jupiter Chiron & Neptune - twenty-four degrees of Aquarius:

note: in astrology & astronomy we talk of conjunctions; this simply means planets lining up in the same degree of the same sign. In a way, it's a marriage of two or more planets, & their symbolic tendencies as revealed in our behavior & attitudes.

Jupiter in your horoscope can be said to have two levels of symbolic truths: its highest expression is how we see our journey {including life, the universe & everything } from our space shuttle. When we gaze out of the portals of Enterprise we see all things working together & interconnected. Desert meets ocean, the poles circulate refreshing cold air which is enriched with moisture & warmth at the equator, and even huge storms create new ecologies for new life to begin again. What is the 'big picture' {philosophy} of your birth placement of Jupiter? The lowest expression of Jupiter is self-righteousness that is a weapon used against anyone who disagrees.

Chiron is a large comet. Many astronomers conclude that due to it's erratic orbit between Saturn & Uranus, it is only visiting our suburban solar system. Since its discovery & naming in November 1997 it has been seen as one of the major symbols of how we heal from the wounds of the journey.

In the natal chart, Chiron is symbolized by the "wounded healer". It represents our deepest wound, and our efforts to heal the wound. Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was a healer and teacher - wounded by Apollo's arrow, he retreated to a cave and gradually healed. As he healed he taught himself astrology, then brought it out to humanity.

& finally Neptune-
Neptune defines the unmeasurable & the indefinable. Think of Neptune as the time of timelessness, the journey of spirit going where the mind & body dread to go, and the power of hypnosis, surrender, addiction, prayer & dance. Our collective aspirations reside in the ideals & self delusions of Neptune. For instance the hippie generation roughly 1941- 1956/7 have Neptune in Libra, the executives of power & porn 1956 - 1970/1 by contrast have Neptune in Scorpio, and those born in the years 1971-1985/6 have slow moving Neptune in Sagittarius & are concerned with international travel, law, soldiering {including street gangs} & philosophy.

Many of my readers will realize that I am excluding hoards of definitions of these three lights. In writing we are always caught between the rip-tides of what to leave in — & what to leave out.

As you ponder what is becoming of world & self as we move through the last one hundred days of this decade, these three symbols move through the 24th degree of Aquarius and then on to Pisces.

If you have any planets near 24 degrees {+ - 1 degree} of a sign particularly Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, & Aquarius, you can be affected by these lights. Many of us will simply ignore the difficult actions & inertia of a new or established partner, instead of challenging them with support or tough love. Some of us will simply refuse to examine the fine print of contracts & contacts inadvertently assisting the rise & fall of a future Bernie Maddof.

And finally some of us will reenter the world to help heal it, whether politics or cleaning up the community.

The Serenity prayer is also an insightful way to access this powerful conjunction.

In this meditation on the closing degrees of Aquarius & these three significators, it is good to remember that air waves are part of the potent symbol of Aquarius - with its two oscillating waves revealing its glyph. Many people will be more drawn to science programs and presentations on TV radio & the WWW. This includes television fictions with science as a character as in House, CSI , etc., Yes, sports & traditional drama will be represented in media, and many of us will see the event from the p.o.v. of motivation of the players & the directors chair.

In politics many will be granted a world stage as they showcase pride in their ignorance; ignorance of course is not a problem, taking pride in it is. From the illusion of 'race' by which is unconsciously meant culture, {like it or not, we are all Africans} to the Neptunian image of the little god called opinion, to the last vestiges of tribal consciousness vs., our nation state realities, this is a time of an Aquarian concept called 'exposure'. Politicians and others can't be as serving or evil in the dark any more.

in other news - Odd That You Mentioned Water...

As everyone knows, our planet is passing through a phase that is sometimes called climate disequilibrium, global warming, and extremes.

Many astrologers have noted that the outer planets Uranus and Neptune are in each other's ruling signs that is, Uranus in Pisces, and Neptune is in Aquarius. As the planets don't make anything happen, but symbolize parts of our human journey, an analysis of these planets and their portends might be of use.

If we begin to see Uranus as the awakener, especially from our collective childhood, Uranus in Pisces is the ocean awareness placement: we live in a Waterworld.

Those of us who've seen the movie Waterworld, can begin to grasp the concept that this world does belong to the water cycle and that most of the surfaces of the Earth are sloshing around on some kind of layer of water. All of those places that are dry on the Earth’s surface are getting drier, and those places that are wet are getting wetter. As I've noted in a previous essay, Uranus in Pisces symbolizes the southwest of the US Australia and Africa are drying up, while parts of the Northern end of continents are becoming deluged with more and more rain.

The planet is reclaiming its watery past and future.

Neptune, also known as Poseidon the earth shaker, {and the crankiest of the three brother gods Zeus and Pluto} symbolizes hard — to — diagnose conditions as viruses and water problems proliferate. As the polar caps melt, water by the billions of liters and gallons, is finding its way to the edges of the crustal plates. The Earth has many plates and its study is known as plate tectonics. Like the slow surfaces of boiling soup in a pot, our continent's are all floating on the surface of shifting plates. The Pacific and North American plates grinding against each other — create the comparatively young and rising Andes Mountains. Vancouver Seattle San Francisco Los Angeles are at or near the North American plate abrading against the vast Pacific plate of shifting continents.

Water lubricates these grinding and shifting plates: water seeps deeper underground into the coastal plates. {Taoists say - water resists nothing goes everywhere seeks the lowest level} As they slide — more and more tremors are found up and down the ring of fire in the context of the Pacific plate. If December 21 / 2012 has any meaning beyond a world war starting with Israel confronting Iran, it may be the time of west coast tremours that are more potent than any felt in recent history. The Earth {unlike it's sybiling rocky planets Mercury and Venus} has crustal plates floating over a magma of interior layers in fairly uniform and definable elements and pressures. These end in a hot liquid metallic iron core at the centre.

What does this mean for hope for us? It means what Change has always meant, change is on the way. The earth floating in a lonely vast black space, with its little inhabitants will give us plenty of warning that the bed is about to be remade. Wouldn't be better to adapt to a forever changing planet rather than just sit around fiddling with tiny adjustments and wait for The Big One? That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

It's time to recognize that good astrological advice is a lot like good advice. It may not matter where good advice and insight come from. What matter's over all is a pragmatist's contentment: is this of use for knowledge action philosophy & future considerations?

How can I help?

Michael Zizis

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating information! Michael, I have made a conscious effort of incorporating your advice re. Chiron to help "heal" wounds that have been affecting my life. I am glad to report that I have noticed some progress in "recovery", and I will continue to be mindful of Chiron's beneficial influence that I can avail myself to. Thanks very much for your contribution to my growth process, Michael!
